Friday, April 28, 2017

Bible Prophecy from a Partial Preterist Perspective

There are different views of eschatology (theology of the end times.) One view is called "Partial Preterism," which teaches that most of Bible Prophecy has already been fulfilled, but that some prophecies will yet be fulfilled in the future.

The word "Preterism" comes from the Latin word praeter, which means, "past." While Full Preterism teaches that all Bible Prophecies have already been fulfilled, including the resurrection from the dead, Partial Preterism teaches that not all Bible Prophecy has already been fulfilled, but much has.

For example, according to Partial Preterism, Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled. Matthew 24 contains many prophecies that futurism and dispensationalism teach will still happen in the future, such as wars, rumors of wars, false Christs, nation rising against nation, famines, earthquakes, persecution the abomination of desolation, the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, the gathering of the elect, etc.

Partial Preterism posits these events in the past, having their fulfillment in 70 A.D., when Jerusalem and the temple was destroyed.

But Partial Preterism teaches that only part of Bible prophecy is fulfilled, not all as is taught in Full Preterism.  The portions of Bible Prophecy that are not yet fulfilled include the resurrection of the dead, the catching up of the saints and the literal, bodily return of Jesus. 

However, Partial Preterism does not forsee the coming of a future antichrist, or a future seven years of tribulation, a future battle of Armageddon, etc.

Whatever our view is of end time Bible Prophecy, Partial Preterism is certainly a view that should be considered, and is perhaps the most solid interpretation of End Time Bible Prophecy. It avoids speculation that has flouted around for centuries. It avoids the never-ending new teachings pointing to some current world leader as being the antichrist. Most of all, it affirms the accuracy of Bible Prophecy, showing that Jesus and the New Testament expected the signs of Matthew 24 to be fulfilled in their lifetime, and they did.

The Preterist Archive at has a ton of information from both Partial and Full Preterist Perspectives. 

Larry T Smith wrote an incredible classic book entitled "The Coming of the Lord, the Last Days and the End of the World," which can be purchased at

The following are some very good books by authors such as Mike Blume, Harold Eberly, Jonathan Welton and David Chilton that teach Bible Prophecy from a Partial Preterist perspective:

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